Associate Professor

Ph.D. (2006) from IIT Kharagpur


Teaching Experience:18 years

Presently Teaching: Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Optics, Mathematical Methods in Physics




  • International Incoming Felow, Royal Society UK, 2007-2008 (at Clarendon Laboratory, Department of PhysicsUniversity of Oxford)
  • Best Thesis Awardby Indian Laser Association (ILA) during DAE BRNS National Laser Symposium 2006
  • Vivek Srinivas Memorial Best Poster Award by Indian Laser Association (ILA) during DAE BRNS   Golden Jubilee National Laser symposium 2003.



International Refereed Journals:

  1. “The Dielectric response to the magnetic fieldof electromagnetic radiation”, J. Opt. 19 (March 2017) 045401 (8pp)
  2.  “Widely Tunable Intracavity Phasematched Cascaded Second-Order Interaction for the Generation of Multicolor Radiation”  IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, VOL. 51, NO. 1, JANUARY 2015, pp. 9000105
  3. “Dual colour cw mode-locking through soft aperture based on cascaded second order nonlinearity”, Opt. Exp. (OSA)Vol. 21, pp. 454-463 (2013)
  4. “A comparative study on dual colour soft aperture cascaded second-order mode-locking w ith different nonlinear optical crystals”  Pramana – Journal of Physics (IAS)Vol 82, pp. 313-319 (2014)
  5.  “Development of an efficient coherent optical source at 6.04mm”, Infrared Physics and Technology (Elsevier), Vol. 51, pp. 80-82 (2007)
  6. “Discretely Littrow-type tunable, Q switched  Nd:YAG laser around 1.3 micron”, Appl. Phys. B (Springer), Vol. 87, pp. 431-436 (2007)
  7. ‘Acousto-optic-modulator-stabilized low-threshold mode-locked Nd:YVO4 laser’, Appl. Phys. Lett. (AIP), 89, pp. 221119(2006).
  8. ‘Realization of inverse saturable absorption by intra-cavity third harmonic generation for efficient nonlinear mirror mode-locking’ , Appl. Phys. Lett. (AIP), Vol. 86, pp. 151105, (2005).
  9. ‘Enhancement of stability and efficiency of a nonlinear mirror mode-locked      Nd:YVO4 oscillator by an active Q-switch’ Opt. Exp. (OSA), Vol 12,pp.4041-4046 (2004).
  10. ‘Stability Regime Study of a Nonlinear Mirror Mode-locked laser’- Opt. Commun. (Elsevier), Vol. 230, pp. 411-418 (2004).
  11. ‘Picosecond pulse generation and its simulation in a nonlinear optical mirror   mode-locked laser’, Appl. Opt. (OSA), Vol. 43, pp. 2347-2352 (2004).
  12. ‘Diode array pumped, nonlinear mirror Q-switched and mode-locked  Nd:YVO4 laser-a good tool for Powder SHG measurement’, Pramana – Journal of Physics (IAS), Vol. 63(5), pp. 1003-1010 (2004).
  13. “THz Generation and Detection by Nonlinear Optical Methods”,  International Journal of Scientific Research in Physics and Applied Sciences, Vol.6, Issue.2, pp.10-20, (April 2018),
  14. ‘Direct Third Harmonic Generation Due to Quadratic Cascaded  Processes in Periodically Poled Crystals’,  Opt. Commun, (Elsevier), Vol. 262, pp. 108-113  , (2006)
  15.  “Simultaneous multi-wavelength oscillation of Nd laser around 1.3mm – A potential source for coherent tera hertz generation”, Opt. Exp. (OSA), Vol. 14, pp. 4721-4726 (2006)

Few selected Conference Proceedings:

  1.  “Multi-colour OPO Based on Second Order Cascaded Nonlinear Interaction”, CLEO-PR&OECC/PS 2013, Kyoto, Japan
  2. “Second Harmonic Generation Due to Magnetic Field of Intense Light field”, PIERS, Taipei, March 25-28, 2013,Page No. 19
  3. “Dual colour cw mode-locking through soft aperture based on cascaded second order nonlinearity”, PHOTONICS, Dec. 09-12, 2012, IIT Chennai, India, Page No. 41
  4. “Stability of passive mode-locking of OPO with temporal Walk-off”, PHOTONICS, Dec. 09-12,2012 IIT Chennai, India, Page No. 25
  5. ‘Stabilization of nonlinear mirror mode-locking by inverse saturable absorber’, CLEO (USA) (Oral Presentation),Baltimore Maryland, USA, 2005, Abstract Page No. 114.
  6. “Modulation of Effective Nonlinearity χ(3) Due to Cascaded Processes in PPLN for Direct Third         Harmonic Generation,- CLEO (USA) (Oral Presentation),Long Beach, California USA, 2006, Abstract Page No. 154
  7. ‘Stable Picosecond Pulse Generation by Forward and Inverse Saturable Absorption’, ICONO/LAT (Oral presentation),St. Petersberg, RUSSIA, (2005), Abstract Page No. 48
  8. ‘High peak-power picosecond Nd:YVO4 oscillatorat multi-kHz repetition rate’,“13th International Laser physics workshop, Trieste, Italy 12th-16th July, 2004” pp. 49.
  9. ‘Efficient blue light generation by cascade intra-cavity second harmonic and sum frequency generation of a Q-switched Nd:YVO4 laser’ PHOTONICS 2004, Kochi, India, pp. 264.
  10.  ‘A proposition for enhancing stability of a nonlinear mirror mode-locked laser using temperature insensitive phase-matching’ Proceedings ‘International Workshop on Recent trends in nonlinear optics and ultra-short pulse generation’15-16 June’ 2003, Pavia Italy, pp. 38-39
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