Assistant Professor

Teaching interests: Solid State Physics, E.M. Theory

 Teaching experience:  9 years

 Area of research interest: Computational Condensed Matter Physics

Selected Journal Papers

1. Two-Magnon Bound State in the Kitaev Model in a [111]-Field by Subhasree Pradhan and NiravKumar D. Patel and Nandini Trivedi Physical Review B (R) 101 (180401)

2. Competing Orders In An Extended Falicov-Kimball Model by Subhasree Pradhan, European Journal of Physics B, 92, 225, 2019 IOP, 2019.

3. Interplay Between Superconductivity and Charge-Order in an Extended Falicov-Kimball Model Under Orbital Magnetic Field by Subhasree Pradhan (Under Review: EPL, August 2019).

4. Hidden Fermi Liquidity and Topological Criticality in the Finite Temperature Kitaev Model by Subhasree Pradhan, M. S. Laad, Avijeet Ray, T. Maitra and A. Taraphder Solid State Communications 332, 114308.

5. Slave Rotor Approach to Exciton Condensation in a Two-band System by Subhasree Pradhan and A. Taraphder , Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 31, 015601, 11, IOP (2018).

6. Exciton condensation in an extended spinless Falicov Kimball model in the presence of orbital magnetic fields by Subhasree Pradhan and A Taraphder in Europhysics Letters, 116, 57001, IOP 2017.

7. Orbital effects of strong magnetic field on a two-dimensional Holstein polaron by Subhasree Pradhan, Monodeep Chakraborty and A Taraphder Phys. Rev. B 93, 115109, APS (2016).

8. Hofstadter butterfly in the Falicov–Kimball model on some finite 2D lattices by Subhasree Pradhan J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28, 505502 (12pp), IOP (2016).


9. Effect of Strong Orbital Magnetic Field on the Exciton Condensation in an Extended Falicov Kimball Model by Subhasree Pradhan and A Taraphder Journal of Physics: Conference Series 759 012032, IOP (2016).

10. First-Principles Study of The Metallic Rare-Earth Tetraboride TmB4 by Subhasree Pradhan and A. Taraphder Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (4PE ), 5532-5537, Elsevier (2017).

11. Excitonic Instability in a Strongly Correlated System: A Slave-Rotor Approach by Subhasree Pradhan and A. Taraphder AIP Conference Proceedings 1953, 110001, 110001-1-110001-3, APS (2017). 

12. Fractionalized Kitaev Model in a low magnetic field along [111] S Pradhan

Materials Today: Proceedings 66, 3401-3404.
Selected Conference Papers

1. Participated in ICTS school on Strongly Correlated Systems: From Models to Materials, January 6-17, 2014, IISc Bangalore.

2. Oral presentation in CMDAYS14, 27-29 August, 2014, Calcutta University, Kolkata.

3. Poster presentation in ICTP workshop on current Trends in frustrated magnetism, 9-13 February, 2015 Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

4. Oral presentation at RTCMP, Bhubaneswar, February, 2015.

5. Oral presentation CMDAYS15, 27-19 August, 2015 Visva-Bharati University, Bhirbhum.

6. Oral presentation in CCP, 5-9 December, 2015, IIT Guwahati.

7. Poster presentation in ICAMM 2016 conference and VASP training school August 31st to September 7th, 2016, Unversity Rennes-1, France.

8. Poster presentation in 2nd ICC, 24-25 November., 2017 Bikaner, Rajasthan.

9. Participated in Workshop on Light on the Quantum Leap: XFEL Applications for Quantum

Materials, Arizona State University January 16-19, 2019.
Qualified in
 State Eligibility Test (SET) – 2011 [1ST RANK IN WEST BENGAL]
 Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) – 2011
 Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST) – 2011
 Govt. of West Bengal National Scholarship of the Secondary Stage in Eighth Standard
 Best Poster Presentation-I (First position) for the paper entitled "Excitonic Instability In a
Strongly Correlated System: A Slave Rotor Approach" in ICC 2017, Nov. 24-25, 2017 at
Government Engineering College, Bikaner.
 Image of the week IOP Publishing was from my JPCM paper (J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 28
 One of the figures from JPCM paper (Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 31, 015601, 11
(2018)) is chosen to use for the JPCM Issue 1 cover.

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